Saturday, February 12, 2005

Bush submits record $2.5 trillion dollar budget

President Bush submitted his budget plan, a request for spending of approximately $2.5 trillion dollars. It requested more money for defense, although a smaller increase than first proposed a few months ago, and featured cuts for many other non defenese programs (remember that in budget terms, what is called a cut in spending usually means less of an increase, not necessarily less money overall). In some cases in this budget the spending actually is cut, but not it in all cases.

The so called cuts in other areas should make for a lively budget battle, along with the fact that the budget omitted any funding for the investment accounts in social security or the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. Who would have thought, budget games in Washington? Not like that is anything new there for either party, but in my opinion that should either be in the 2006 or 2007 budget, there should be no way that it can be left out of either. But they, that kind of thinking is probably why we have a mutli trillion dollar debt.

The budget will, of course, boost the deficit and debt considerably. Hard to believe just a few years ago we were talking about a budget surplus. Yeah, don't count on Limbaugh or Hannity bringing that up. Of course its not all Bush's fault, I have said many a time that presidents get more blame and more credit than they really deserve. But this budget is huge, and it looks like we are making tons of sacrifices at home to pay for the "war against terror". But I guess they had to do that in WWII didn't they? Oh yeah, we were attacked in that war, not exactly the same thing is it (but I would bet money that one of the conservative talk drones will bring that fact up sometime in the next few weeks).

You can read the story here from the Washington Post via Yahoo:


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