Sunday, April 17, 2005

Did the government fail sex ed

Ah, nothing like a good controversy involving the government, this time with the website that is supposed to give good advice to parents. This particular controversy involves sex education info on the website (the site is at the link below, along with the article from cbsnews). Apparently the gov't is mixing in some moral and religious messages with facts, probably not what should be happening from the goverment. The site has been critcized for focusing mainly on abstinence and morals. Not that those things are not important but those should come from church and your own values, not big brother. I am not saying abstinence is bad, it is 100% effective when used, but the problem is that it only works when used, and when dealing with teenagers and the pressure they are under, it does not work that often. Nothing wrong with talking about abstinence, but birth control should be right there with it, explain truthfully the pro's and con's of each.

I am disappointed that a tool for learning has been used more as a religious and moral platform, probably not the rigth tact for being effective in this case. Try as you might, you are going to have a tough time getting teenagers to not have sex. Is it better to bury your head in the sand and pretend they won't do it as long as you don't teach it to them, or to educate them so that they can make the best decision (keeping in mind they ultimately will be the one to make the decision, with or without you making sure they have all the facts).

Here is the story:

and the site in question:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name "" would seem to indicate that this website is aimed at parents of teenagers. I looked at some of what's on the site, and although it may be wishful thinking that young people will avoid sex until they marry, it seems to be intended to give parents ammo to persuade their kids to wait a while. By the way, that article is not from CBS news but from the American Prospect, identified as a liberal publication.

As far as sex ed in schools goes, abstinence-only isn't a good idea unless your goal is ignorance. Some right-wingers don't seem to understand that hormones don't come from your high school biology teacher -- normal teenagers have plenty of sexual appetite, and more of them will seek to satisfy it as they get older. Students should be given facts on contraceptives and STD's. It would also be good to learn about healthy relationships -- so many kids today have single or divorced parents, they don't have any idea what they should hope for and what they shouldn't accept.

12:02 AM, April 23, 2005  

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