Friday, May 27, 2005

Maybe we should've spent some Homeland Security money here?

With all the billions and billions spent for homeland security, including some high five and six figure grants given to small towns that are probably #897 on the list of top 10 potential targets, maybe we should have spent some money to ensure all nuclear plants have reliable and fail safe warning systems in case of a nuclear disaster. According to the article at the link below from AP via Yahoo, quite a few nuclear plants have either no functioning backup system or an unreliable backup system to warn nearby residents of an impending nuclear disaster. Given that a nuclear plant is probably high on a terrorists list of potential targets, its hard to believe that such a thing would be overlooked, but apparently they have been overlooked for quite some time.

You can read the article here:;_ylt=AqpG5GGU4shcd.0C3gmn02tG2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like common sense that nuclear plants should have warning systems that work if the power's out. They should also have backup power to keep the safety systems for the plant itself fully functional.

10:30 PM, May 27, 2005  

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