Sunday, December 19, 2004

Your favorite radio show

Just curious who you think has the best radio talk show out there right now. And if you are thinking Dr. Laura, do me a favor and don't admit that. But if you have a preference, go ahead and let me know who and why. My personal favorite, at least in the political arena is O'Reilly. His topics are usually good, and he is not another party robot all the time. My number two is probably the Drudge report, I also occasionally catch Hannity or Colmes on their radio shows. If you really want a treat, listen to Michael Savage sometime if you can catch him where you live. Like most of the hosts he is conservative, but still totally different from the rest. He is way out there, but his show is interesting. His website is interesting too if you want to check it out:

Come to think of it I also used to listen to Micheal Reagan too but have not heard his show in awhile.


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