Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Interesting highway plan in Texas

Here is an interesting idea from Rick Perry, the governor in Texas, is pushing for privately funded superhighways in his state. This idea has been proposed before, I remember a Kansas City to Chicago proposal that was not too hot of an idea, but this one just might be different. Texas has some unique transportation problems becuase of trade with Mexico and the immense truck traffic that goes with it. According to the story, the gov't would own the right of way, a private company would build and maintain the roads and also collect the tolls. It will be a mammoth project since it will have a very wide highway, rail for trains, and room for power and gas lines. You can read the article, from the LATimes via Yahoo, if you click the link. I would like to see the actual plans before I myself would make a judgement, but this just might work. As expected, sounds like Republicans are for it but Dems are against it. I know, who would have thought that Dems would be against privatizing something.


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