Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Renewing the Patriot Act

In what probably will be one of the ugliest political battles this side of social security, President Bush wants to extend the provisions of the Patriot Act, which as you recall, was passed in a panic following 9-11 without virtually anyone who voted for it actually even reading the bill. Now it did have some good points, and I am not like the ACLU saying all is lost, but I think most people now realize that perhaps it went a little too far. Last time no one dared voted against it or they would be made out to be against the war or for the terrorists, but I doubt that kind of rhetoric will work this time around. Much of it probably should stay but it needs some work that is a little more thought out this time around.

Here is the article, stay tuned for more stuff on this one, should be a hot topic for a while:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really know what's in the Patriot Act, but I do know that civil liberties can easily be endangered if the government has too much power to spy on and detain people without having to promptly prove their guilt. At least many provisions were given expiration dates so they could be reconsidered when there is less of a panic to act. The Bush Administration has shown they will push the envelope as far as they can, so it's up to Congress and the courts to impose some limits.

12:14 AM, February 19, 2005  

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