Saturday, February 12, 2005

Rumsfeld offered to resign and we said no?

According to this article in my hometown KC star, our revered Secretary of Defense Donald "TheDon" Rumsfeld offered to resign and Bush turned him down? As I have said before, Rumsfeld actually has some good ideas of transforming the military, but he has overshadowed those ideas by not listening to his military guys, not planning anything and for being probably the worst public speaker since Quayle. This guy makes Bush look like a good speaker (face it Bush is a smart guy but not a great speaker like Reagan or Clinton was) .

Time to go Donnie, we need some fresh leadership at the five sided brain drain (A.K.A. the Pentagon) and someone who listens to the military guys more instead of just his cilivilain military wanna be buddies (Yeah we mean you Dick).

Read the story here:


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