Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Dems have me scratching my head here

Right after a compromise was reached in the Senate between Democrats and some key Republicans (lead by Sen. John McCain) to avoid the nuclear option ( where the Dems basically say they will only fillibuster on court nominees that are, I forget what the actual phrase was, extreme right wingers), the Democrats then use the fillibuster to prevent a vote on the nomination of John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN. Bolton does sound like a jerk on a power trip (quite like a former boss of mine) but I think Democrats look totally partisan using the fillibuster right after they reach a compromise limiting its use. If you were a democrat, and I for the record am not, wouldn't it be better to just let the nomination go through and criticize his likely mistakes once he makes them? I think that would be a better option than using the fillibuster.

As far as the UN goes, I do agree with Bolton and some Republicans that the UN is basically overrated. I have even said that we would almost be better off pulling out, making them move their HQ to Paris and reclaiming the prime real estate for something useful. I am not saying the UN does no good, but I am less than impressed with that body as of late.


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