Saturday, October 22, 2005

Is this what they mean by homeland security?

Whew! I feel safe now! Between the "war on terror" in Iraq and now the FBI forming a squad to battle the most evil of all forces known to man, I feel very safe. Want to know what the FBI apparently feels that evil force is? Yes, brought to you by the religious wrong, I mean right, the enemy is PORN! This brings back memories of the fabled, famous and incredibly foolish Meese commission on porn. Not like we didn't thing Meese was a dumbass before he headed that effort to begin with. You can read the article at the link below from for yourself. I also need to mention that this had nothing to do with child porn, but rather adult porn, featuring only adults. Apparently the FBI feels that watching porn turns you into a sexual predator. Funny, same thing has happened to more than a few priests...........hmmm, will we see a return of the great Ed Meese to head a commission on that?

Here is the link to read about another great use of the taxpayer dime:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since adult use of adult porn is legal, I'm not really sure what this FBI task force is going to do about it. Other than making sure the actors and buyers are over 18, it sounds like it might actually be a way for agents to be paid to get their jollies.

I doubt porn has much of an impact on rape, but it probably increases sexual harassment. Clinton could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he'd stuck to those videos.

10:18 PM, October 28, 2005  

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