Tuesday, February 15, 2005

If someone resigns in the upcoming weeks, this might be why

If you recall, last summer I believe it was, someone leaked the name of an undercover CIA operative (I believe in Africa) to a reporter who then published the name. Of course the undercover person, who was married to a key political figure, had to give up his UC assignment since his cover was blown. Well now a federal appeals court has ruled that the two reporters either have to give up the names or go to jail. So if you see a key figure resign for no apparent reason in the next few weeks, this might be why. There was speculation it was someone in the White House although no one knows for sure.

Here is the story:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This investigation should have consisted of one question:

"Mr. Novak, who revealed to you that Ms. Plame was a CIA operative?"

If he answers, you have a pretty good case against the leaker. If he doesn't, Mr. Novak has just obstructed justice in the presence of a law enforcement officer.

11:40 PM, February 18, 2005  

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