Monday, February 28, 2005

Should the Pope resign because of his health?

I am sure you have heard about the Pope John Paul II's health problems by now, you would have to be living in a cave to not have heard about this. Should he step aside because of his health? I personally don't think he will, not much precedent of that happening, and I would think that one if that position naturally is going to worry about his people rather than himself.

I personally think he should resign if he can no longer do his job effectively, especially given all of the challenges facing the church today, but it should be his decision of course.

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church doesn't really have a mechanism for a Pope to be declared unable to do his job. He can pretty much stay as long as he wants. If this is just a temporary situation, the Church can get by. However, not being able to talk won't work long term - it's pretty much essential to the job, at least as he has done it.

Speaking of being to ill to work, how long will Rehnquist be able to continue as Chief Justice without hearing the cases in person?

11:52 PM, March 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technically a pope doesn't have to "act," just "be" - he's a symbol. As long as he is breathing, it's enough.

Much more serious than being incapacitated is psychosis. Things like paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations are apparently possible symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.

A psychotic pope would not be a good thing, but nothing can be done if it happens.

5:05 PM, March 23, 2005  

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