Monday, February 28, 2005

This should scare the hell out of you if you fly.....

Check out this article about shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, and the fact that probably over a thousand of them (and that is probably a conservative estimate) are unaccounted for around the world and potentially in the hands of terrorists. I, for one, cannot believe that we haven't seen an airliner brought down by these yet given that terrorists can probably get them and it doesn't appear to be that hard to get access to areas close enough to an airport where you could use such a weapon.

Unfortuantely, I think we may see an attack with one of these in the next couple of years. I hope I am wrong. It has been discussed to fit commercial airliners with devices to protect against such an attack, but you can bet the airlines won't spring for that.

You can read the article here:


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