Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Isn't North Korea a bigger threat than Iraq was

Ever wonder why we went after Iraq, who as we now know apparently did not have WMD's and had no real links to terror outside their borders before we attacked. No I don't really consider one man affiliated with Al-Al Qaeda being there to meet with one Iraqi gov't official to be evidence of a terror link between the two groups. In the case of North Korea, they openly admit they will be building them, and we are instead negotiating (or at least talking about negotiating) with them. Granted just attacking them would be pretty risky, with China right next door. But did we make the wrong choice here? Is North Korea not a greater threat at this point? They are now openly admitting that they will build more nukes.

Makes you wonder.

Click the link for the latest on North Korea from USAToday via Yahoo:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure what we can do about North Korea. They don't trade much with anyone but China, so I doubt sanctions would work even if the Chinese don't veto them. We can't trust them to live up to any treaty they sign. However, I don't see much of an appetite for another Korean War.

11:23 PM, April 22, 2005  

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