Saturday, April 30, 2005

Speaker of the House Hastert okay with rule change

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, under a sea of intense criticism of his party for changing House ethics rules, allegedly to help embatted colleague Tom Dumbass, whoops I mean DeLay, has now agreed to change the rules back to the way they originally were. The House Ethics committee had already admonished good ol Tom 3 times last year (as smart as Tom is, he probably went around chanthing 3 Peat, 3 Peat, 3 time champs until someone told him this is actually a bad thing), so this year they rewrote the rules that basically made it harder to start an ethics investigation and they also dumped the chair of the ethics committe last year, Republican Joel Hefley of Colorado. Hefley was against changing the rules in the first place.

Now rumor has it the Democrats are still refusing to sit on the committee as some sort of protest, although I don't have an article to link to on that yet. If that is true and they continue to do that, this would be another example of them squandering an opportunity to look good to the people and instead look like they are obstructionists, not a good thing for them lately.

Here is the article from AP via Yahoo:


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