Sunday, June 26, 2005

More on GM

I have to admit that while I knew that one of GM's biggest disadvantages compared to their Japanese competition was health care costs, particularly for the large numbers of retirees they have from an era long since gone in the auto industry, until reading the article linked below from USA Today's website I had no idea that current workers and retirees get free health care. The story describes a guy who had heart bypass surgery costing $160,000 and he only had paid about $500 himself. Damn, I want that kind of health care system. While GM has not said they will end that, you have to think they will push for that when the negotiate with the UAW for a new contract. I imagine the union will fight it anyway, even though they have cheaper coverage than almost everyone else in the country. Retirees are also likely to have to pick up some of the cost soon. With more GM plant closing on the horizon, even though they have not announced which plants will close, you would have to expect more changes and belt tightening at GM.

Here is the link:


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