Wednesday, June 08, 2005

You gotta hand it to Howard Dean

One would think that after Howard Dean's meltdown during a speech in Iowa during the last presidential race he would have learned to watch what he says publicly. Well, if you thought that you were pretty much wrong. Dean made a huge gaffe when among other things he said something to the effect that many republicans had not worked an honest day in their lives. That is not an exact quote but you get the idea. As you might guess, there was an outcry from Republicans and even some Democrats as well as making it the highlight of every conservative talk show (and actually some not so conservative ones as well). Why Dean would want to give the Republican Party more ammo to use against his party is hard to fathom.

What was even more interesting were the quotes by some people from his own party, such as Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Sen. Joe Biden that either implied or outright stated that Dean was not the spokeperson for the Democratic party. Yikes! When two heavyweights in a political party publicly state that the party chairman is basically not the voice of the party, that is not a good sign. One has to wonder if the Democrats will wait for a third strike from Dean before they decide he is out or if they will cut their losses now. I don't necessarily think he is doomed, but it might be better for his party if he resigns unless he can put this behind him right away, something that appears unlikely. You can bet conservative talk show hosts will beat this one to death (and I don't blame them really, what Dean did was PFD without a doubt).

I myself am not worried since I belong to neither party, but if the Dems want to have a chance at winning seats in 06 or the Presidency in 08, they need to get unified and get their act together and quickly.

My prediction is that Dean will resign but who knows, stanger things have happened.


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