Monday, December 19, 2005

This kind of thinking just pisses me off.........

You have to love groups like Walmart Watch, which pretend to be objective but are really just a front for a totally one sided, union funded campaign against Walmart. I have never been a huge Walmart fan, mainly because I worked for one of their main competitors for nearly 10 years, but some of the attacks on Walmart just go too far. Take Walmart Watch for example, a group that is basically a AFC front, is pushing to get Maryland's legislature to override a bill the legislature passed but was vetoed by Maryland's governor. The bill stipulates that any employer in Maryland would be required to pay at least 8% of their payroll on health benefits, and that if they fail to do so, they would pay an extra tax as a penalty. Doesn't sound too bad right? But guess how many companies in Maryland this law would apply to? Not twenty, or ten, or even five, but rather just one company. That company, of course, is Walmart.

So basically the Maryland legislature passed a bill because they bought into the union BS and hysteria over health care and wages and passed this bill. I am not at all a fan of government mandating such issues to business. In some cases maybe they need to, but not in this case.

I find the whole Walmart Watch campaing a joke, basically they are pissed off because after years of trying, they have yet successfully organized a Walmart store.

I just might have to make this a topic (the whole Walmart thing) a topic for my issues blog, we shall see about that I guess.

If you want to read an article about all of this, check this out, its from a great business news source:


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