Sunday, December 04, 2005

Speaking of mindless homophobes........

In case you have not heard about perhaps our nation's biggest disgrace, allow me to enlighten you. No I am not talking about good ol Duke Cunningham, I will get my shots in on him later, but rather the Reverend Fred Phelps. This guy is literally off his fucking rocker. He has organized protests at dozens of funerals for soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why does he do this you ask? Believe it or not, Fred the genius actually believes that the soldiers dying overseas in the war on terror are actually dying because of the homosexuals in America. That is an overly simplified view to be sure, but it is hard to correctly explain something that is just, sorry to be so blunt but there is no other way, incredibly fucking dumb. You would honestly have to be a complete fucking moron to believe this shit. To actually believe that god would kill to avenge homosexuals is just mind boggling. But yet these dumbasses believe it.

Phelps also believes that its because the government did not stop an attempted bombing of Phelps and his church years ago. Too bad the bomb did not hit its mark. I am not shocked by someone like Phelps being a fucking moron, but all of these people that follow him, what they hell are they thinking? Damn, you just have to be fucking stupid to believe this shit don't you?

You can read a news story from channel 9 here:

and you can check out a couple of Phelps and his morons sites too, you will be shocked at some of the utter bullshit they believe in:

and here is an example of one of their press releases about a funeral they are going to protest at:

Sorry for the language here but Phelps is a piece of shit and deserves no better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reverend Phelps was apparently left out of the "Intelligent Design" process in Kansas.

10:22 PM, December 07, 2005  

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