So can I infer from this nomination that immigration and border security are no longer a concern?
If you have listened to Hannity or Rush in the past couple of months, you have almost certainly heard them talk about how we need to have more secure borders, and more controls on immigration. I do not necessarily disagree with that to an extent, even though I think the Homeland Security Department has been at the least a disappointment and at most an abject failure. But more on that some other time.
Considering how big of an issue these topics are, you would think that President Bush would make his nomination someone with vast law enforcement and/or immigration enforcement experience, perhaps someone from the FBI, DEA, or even within customs or maybe even a former police chief from a border area. So who does he nominate? The niece of the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Her name is Julie Myers. Nothing against her, she has worked in the government for years, and she is a lawyer. But where exactly from being a lawyer working in the Treasury and Justice departments and being a fed. Prosecutor for a short stint does this qualify her for such a post. More importantly, how in the hell is she the most qualified nomiation. This smells more like political hack, ala Micheal (Brownie you are doing a heck of a job) Brown than anything else. No offense to Miss Myers, I just don't think she is qualified for a position that is crucial right now. The funny part is that I have not heard the Republican talking heads really criticize this so far. Maybe I missed it, but I myself have not heard it. I would like to see someone justify her being picked for this spot but good luck with that. Come on you conservatives, show me what ya got and take the challenge. I won't be holding my breath.
Before any liberals get too pumped up critiquing Bush for cronyism, remember that this kind of stupid shit has been done by both parties since the beginning of politics so neither party is above reproach on this one.
Here is a link to the story from the Washington Post (insert the usual old, tired ass liberal media argument here):
Considering how big of an issue these topics are, you would think that President Bush would make his nomination someone with vast law enforcement and/or immigration enforcement experience, perhaps someone from the FBI, DEA, or even within customs or maybe even a former police chief from a border area. So who does he nominate? The niece of the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Her name is Julie Myers. Nothing against her, she has worked in the government for years, and she is a lawyer. But where exactly from being a lawyer working in the Treasury and Justice departments and being a fed. Prosecutor for a short stint does this qualify her for such a post. More importantly, how in the hell is she the most qualified nomiation. This smells more like political hack, ala Micheal (Brownie you are doing a heck of a job) Brown than anything else. No offense to Miss Myers, I just don't think she is qualified for a position that is crucial right now. The funny part is that I have not heard the Republican talking heads really criticize this so far. Maybe I missed it, but I myself have not heard it. I would like to see someone justify her being picked for this spot but good luck with that. Come on you conservatives, show me what ya got and take the challenge. I won't be holding my breath.
Before any liberals get too pumped up critiquing Bush for cronyism, remember that this kind of stupid shit has been done by both parties since the beginning of politics so neither party is above reproach on this one.
Here is a link to the story from the Washington Post (insert the usual old, tired ass liberal media argument here):
The right wingers have been too busy blasting Harriet Miers to bother with the other Myers (the name similarity could be causing some confusion - lots of Illinois voters couldn't tell former Illinois Governor George Ryan and state Attorney General Jim Ryan apart). Bush apparently hasn't learned from the Katrina aftermath to appoint qualified people instead of political favorites.
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