Friday, March 04, 2005

Check out this from Grassley

I know I was just on Grassley a few weeks ago for supporting the handout to the credit card industry known as bankruptcy reform (mark my words, once there are fewer bankruptcies, the credit card companies will cut back on what they contribute to consumer credit counselers as well), but I agree with him this time. He is advocating focusing more on fixing the problems in Social Security rather than just focusing on private accounts. That does make sense, because if anyone tells you that private accounts alone are the solution and you believe it, you might as well get on ebay and buy yourself the Brooklyn bridge while you are being so gullible. Not saying the accounts are altogether bad, I personally like the idea so far, but it won't solve the problem by itself. Oh, by the way, I normally am a big Grassley supporter, I think he for the most part has done an excellent job as a Senator, especially his efforts to reform military spending abuses.

Here is a link to the article:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think many Republicans in Congress are afraid Bush's Social Security private accounts proposal could end up hurting them as much as Hillary-care hurt the Democrats, allowing a reversal of the "Contract with America" GOP house takeover in 1994.

I haven't heard Bush talk about the solvency issue at all. He tells everyone the system is going broke, which it is, then proposes private accounts without bothering to mention that they would make Social Security even less solvent. What happened to the leadership Bush is supposedly so good at?

11:36 PM, March 05, 2005  

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