Monday, December 19, 2005

Instead of a law against vicious dogs, maybe they should have one against their owners!

Here is another case of a person being killed or seriously injured (killed in this case) by a dog or several dogs. In this case, the dogs in question were 3 pit bulls. I don't think anyone can argue that pit bulls can be very dangerous due to their exceptionally strong grip and their overall strength. But the problem is not necessarily with the dogs themselves, but rather with how they are treated and raised. Many pit bulls are bred to fight, making them very aggressive and short tempered. Then someone ends up owning a dog like that as a pet and you can probably guess the rest. In the case from the article listed below, an 80 some year old woman in Virginia was killed (along with her dog) by 3 pit bulls. She was walking her dog in her own yard.

And the best part? The owner, a 3o some year old woman. Yeah, this may sound sexist, but a thirty something woman owning 3 pit bulls, or for that matter any guy owning 3 pit bulls sounds like a recipe for disaster. In this case it sure was. Many cities are now passing laws against Pit Bulls and other "vicious" dogs. Denver is one such city that recently passed a similar law. More are sure to come. But the real problem is the people that breed pit bulls in such a horrible fashion and also abuse them. In many states, raising dogs to fight and abusing them in the process is only a misdemeanors. Until it gets expensive as a deterrent (and it won't stop them all) this kind of thing will continue.

You can read about it here:;_ylt=Aq5lQel8cTFuHc.GcjBVuvlvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--


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