Saturday, January 28, 2006

Dumbass of the week

You have to love it when not only does someone not fully understand an issue, but they also just act like a complete dumbass trying to make their case. As a result of the US Supreme Court's decision about eminent domain (from the case in Connecticut), Logan Darrow Clements (I will just call him dumbass for the time being) has organized a petition drive to put on the ballot in an upcoming election a "project" that would use eminent domain to seize Supreme Court Justice David Souter's home and land to build this hotel or whatever stupid assed thing this moron is allegedly trying to build. It only took 25 signatures to get the measure on the ballot, and in the unlikely event that genius wins, a legal challenge would pretty much be a certainty.

What I don't get (besides the charade this guy is putting on that just makes him look stupid), is why people still have trouble grasping the court's decision on this matter (from the case of Kelo vs. New London). The court didn't come out and say this was OK, they just upheld the state's right to use eminent domain based on the laws on the books. They also basically said that it was a state, not a federal matter, as they should have decided. States, counties and cities can still pass their own ordiances or laws if they want to restrict how eminent domain is used. This sounds like a good topic for my issues blog when I find the time.

Here is the story from AP via Yahoo if you want to read it:;_ylt=Ao.DJGZjPO1TQp2fo6miW..s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY-


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