Thursday, January 05, 2006

More proof of evolution

This latest uttering from Pat Robertson is yet more evidence that man has evolved from dogshit. You can always count on Pat to say something incredibly fucking dumb at just the wrong time. This time he is saying that the massive stroke just suffered by Israeli chieftain Ariel Sharon is indeed the wrath of god for dividing his land. You just can't help but ask yourself "No one is really that dumb are they?", but yet with good ol right wing, bible thumpin Pat you actually could be convinced that he is that damn dumb.

Wouldn't you just feel like a stupid mofo if you were a follower of Pat's when this story broke?

Here is a link to the story if you want to read out about Captain Dumbass (that would be Pat R. of course):;_ylt=AhG39eNDu7rPm24P5QtRCV.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-


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