Thursday, May 19, 2005

How does crap like this happen

The link at the bottom is for a video clip where a deputy helping a stranded motorist is hit by an out of control pickup. Amazingly the deputy is going to be fine, hard to believe when you actually watch the clip though.

You see clips like this time and time again where someone is pulled over and someone driving by is spacing off and then all of a sudden they notice the car pulled over, panic and then go out of control. How are people that stupid? I have been driving for a couple of decades, and I cannot remember one instance of spacing off, then all of a sudden realizing someone is pulled over (or on the shoulder because of a breakdown, whatever), panicking (typically by slamming on the brakes) and going wildly out of control. I can't even recall having to hit the shoulder because I lost control of the vehicle so I wonder how this happens.

Its kind of scary thinking there are people who should still be alive that are now dead because someone else was too much of a dumbass to control their vehicle.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Do we finally have a new transportation bill?

Oh my god, they may have done it! After only taking about three years, Congress may finally have passed a transportation bill that should have been passed a long time ago. Its not a done deal yet, the Senate came in at a higher total than the House, and the Senate amount is above what Bush originally said he would accept.

Thankfully before they finished this they took care of important issues first, like Terry Schiavo and steroids in professional sports. I don't know about you, but I think we are much better off knowing they took care of those important issues first.


Here is an article from the KC Star about the bill if you want to read it, you have to be registered on their site to read it (but its free)

Another website of the week

Since I cheated by not naming a site of the week last week, here is one to make up for that oversight on my part, and its another funny one. Check it out:

Website of the week

This one is pretty good, has some pretty funny pics and vid clips on it. Some may be more adult in nature, did not have a chance to check out the whole site.

Here is the link:

Earth to NAACP, come in, are you there?

Although I was in no way surprised when I read this article from the Star Tribune, it still pissed me off when it seems a non minority cop is doing his job and pulls over or arrests a minority it is labeled by the NAACP or a similar group as being racist. Here you have an 85 year old man, apparently African American, who is pulled over and then as he is getting a ticket, he spits at, kicks and threatens to kill the police officer. The office then sprays him, cuffs him and arrests him. The quote from an NAACP official says this was "A miscarriage of justice" and that the old man was beat up. Or was he just roughed up as part of being arrested. The same official says its mind boggling that the old guy would be charged with a crime, I think he said it was mind boggling. News flash, the law does not only apply to certain ages or races but everyone. The article mentions that the man was on his way to visit his wife at the hospital but should that be a factor? If cops let anyone they pulled over get off with just an excuse, no one would ever get a ticket for anything.

If he was really beat up unnecessarily than that is wrong, but if he resisted arrest (and he apparently threatened to kill the cop) than what should the cop have said "oh, you are in your 80's and a minority so I won't do anything even though you violated the law I have sworn to uphold"?

Sounds like the NAACP is out of touch again, like they too often seem to be. They do plenty of good, but sounds like they need to get the facts before they automatically just start being critical and accusatory.

Here is the link if you want to read the story:

I feel safer already!

Big congrats to Sen. Matt Bartle of Lees Summit for making us all safer! Matt, who I think ultra conservative moron would be a better title, helped push through a monumental bill that will ban one of the most heinous acts of modern times, lap dancing. I have to say that once I heard the news I was ecstatic! Think of the impact on crime by banning lap dances and all nude dancing. Surely you have seen the news about victims of drive by lap dances, or those that were unemployed becuase of nude dancing, or our poor roads in Missouri because dancers can touch patrons. Or perhaps you have heard about those kids without health care becuase of nude dancing clubs. Or the sad shape of our schools because of nude dancing? Wonder what the hell I am talking about? You should, because I listed some of the major problems we face in Missouri today, none of which are even remotely related to nude dancing or lap dancing. So my hats off to the Missouri legislature putting spreading their ultra conservative message over actually doing their fucking jobs, great job to all of you.

The ultra conservatives like Sen. moron mentioned above will try to tell you about all sorts of crime related to strip bars, but I have yet to see one objective study that has shown a correlation between the two. And no, a study done by Focus on the Family or the granddaddy of all hypocrites Pat Robertson does not count as objective. True some strip bars probably have higher crime rates around them, but I am pretty confident that this is not because of the strip clubs themselves but rather the crappy locations they have available to them because of zoning regs that frequently are designed to basically ban them without actualy banning them (which might be illegal to do outright, this is the ultra concervative tradition that I call "taking the pussy way out" (no pun intended) where you have to use a sneak attack because you don't have the balls to be up front about it.

Want to know the real irony of this situation? The same conservatives that support the right to bear arms (and practically fight to the death any attempty to limit that right in even the most sensible ways), and preach about how they need less government somehow feel the need to regulate people's private lives. What the hell is that about? Someone who is 18 can vote, drive, buy a gun and go to war for (and die for if necessary) their country but they can't get a lap dance until they are 21? That is awesome reasoning. I would love to get a response on that but I won't hold my breath.

This is just another example of how the group that allegedly wants smaller government, especially where big business is concerned, continually tries to regulate and legislate our private lives.

One might argue they aren't closing them down, and that is true. But that is thier intent. People probably aren't going to go to a strip club to watch someone dance 20 feet away. Some will, its not the end of the world, and no I don't frequent strip clubs myself. But if I want to do so, and I want some hot chick in a thong to grind her ass into my lap, isn't that my right to do so if all parties are cool with that?

Maybe Matt just needs to get laid or something. Thanks again Matt for making us all feel safer. Please let us know when you are going to get around to doing your damn job as senator rather than moral leader.

Here is an article about it in the KC Star if you want to read it, but just a heads up you have to register to read it (don't worry its free:)