Saturday, January 01, 2005

Website of the Week- January week 1

Okay, I think I missed a week or two with this so I will give you two sites this week. If you are like me and don't get a newspaper at home but like to read the news, here are a couple of websites that have excellent news coverage and they pull it from muliple sources. One of them, Newsbot, from MSNBC, has stories from thousands of sources along with the menu for MSNBC news running down the side. They even track the stories you viewed during your current session. I currently have this as my IE start page. You can check it out for yourself here:

Google also has a similiar service, expept for the msnbc content of course. I use it as my startpage on Firefox. Not sure if I really have a preference. The nice thing about both is that you will find several different stories on the same subject, making it easy to read all sides of a story if you desire. You also find stories from some places off the beaten path. For example, I found a law enforcement story from a site called that is just basically cop stuff. Not something you would read everyday, but gives a different perspective.

You can find the google news page here: and the law enforcement site here:

I guess that is actually 3 sites now isn't it? And its all free, ain't America great?

Big Brother is watching? What do you think?

This story is kind of interesting, talks about companies actively tracking where the employees are and what they are doing to improve productivity. I have actually known a company that used this. When I worked for Target, the subcontractor responsible for sweeping our parking lot could actually track where his crews were and for how long, it helped figure out what happened if the lot was not cleaned or if they messed something up. Anyhow, its a big productivity management tool for companies but a privacy concern for workers, I suppose. I am sure the ACLU will be against this one, but as long as workers are doing there job and their employers are going overboard with it, would you really care.

Check out the story at the link below:

Just makes you wonder

Now as you read this, I am not trying to poke fun at those who die in accidents like this, in this case two car accidents on a very foggy highway, what are people thinking when they drive way too fast in conditions like this. In this case a 21 year old that died was not wearing his seat belt. I just don't get that, I put my seatbelt on if I am driving two blocks to QT, let alone driving at highway speed on a very foggy day. Click here to read the story from Channel 9 in KC:

This follows another accident where 3 people were killed, 2 of them childeren under 5, and 3 more people were hurt. Apparently none of them where wearing seat belts. Just sad that something like this happened, that could have been avoided. You can see a video clip at KCTV5, you can find it here:

Again, I stress I am not poking fun, just wondering how people keep making the same mistake when taking 5 seconds to click your seatbelt on can save your life (and others too).

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Can you say PORK??

Check out this link, its an amusing and scary story about two construction projects in Alaska. Both are expensive, and from the sounds of it, totally unnecessary. Not sure if they made it in the final bill, odds are probably good that they did. They really ugly part is a congressman from Alaska bragging about how much pork he is getting for his state. Yikes!

Check it out:

Can you say genius?

Couldn't resist putting this story on, its just too damn funny. Last night on the local news, I heard a story about a guy who came home to his apartment and found two strangers in his apartment that he did not know. They were robbing the place but bolted when the guy got home. Too bad they forgot one key thing: the getaway car. Apparently the woman (it was a man and woman that did this) left her car behind when they took off and they found here on foot nearby.

Can you say STUPID???? If they post this story on there site I will add a link to it.