Tuesday, May 16, 2006

48 million don't buckle up

This statistic just does not make sense to me, 48 million Americans that don't buckle up. I understand the statistic, just not the lack of thinking that goes with it. I suppose these people give the same tired old reasons for not wearing them: they are uncomfortable, what if I get in a crash and the car catches fire and I have to get out, etc.

None of them make any sense whatsoever. I regularly read the Missouri State Highway Patrol's crash reports, and it seems that the majority of fatalities from auto accidents are not wearing seat belts. How much intellingence does it take to decide your life is worth wearing a seat belt.

I just don't get it.

Click the link for a story by AP via Yahoo:


Awesome video

You have to check this video out (at the link below). This is a great clip of a pimp getting pissed at a guy that tells him to quit beating on his prostitutes. The guy happens to be a karate instructor, the pimp tries to fight him and gets his ass kicked with one punch. Its awesome, you have to see it. I think this is the video my younger brother was telling me about a while back.


News of the stupid

You would think by now the word would be out that if you have a page on myspace.com, that you should probably avoid doing anything illegal on there since anyone can read your page (unless you have it as a private page). Apparently, not everyone got the word. Check out the link below for a story about a high school kid who got busted because there is a picture of him on his myspace page smoking a bong. Another example of PFD! When the cops questioned him about this, they also searched his locker and his home, and guess what? They also found a stash of drugs, drug paraphenalia and bombmaking stuff! Can you say "Someone is going to prison?"

Here is the link: