Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Website of the week, Feb. week 1

What the hell, I might as well be ahead for a change. I got this link from the yahoo (AP) story about the feds going after search engine records and Google fighting them on it. Its a good site about privacy information. Has some good stuff on it, and with new privacy issues being raised virtually every day (a big recent one concerned cell phone records), this issue will only get more important.

Check it out here:

Is Big Brother Watching? Should we be worried?

In a move that is troubling to privacy advocates (and to myself as well) the US Justice Dept. has subpoenaed search records from all of the major internet search engines (Google, Yahoo,MSN,AOL). Supposedly its looking for information to show that the methods used to prevent children from viewing adult content on the web do not work, probably as a percursor to trying to ban all pornography, nudity, sex. etc. on the web. You know, the ultra conservatives show that these methods don't work, so then they can see we tried that to no avail so lets just ban it all (that is why I sometimes referred to the conservative side of the aisle as ban, censor and prohibit-unless it gets in the way of big companies making money)

Google is fighting the subpoena (way to go Google). From what I have read about the subpoena, it sounds fishy to me.

Couldn't see that coming with the religious wrong in the drivers seat of the Republican party could ya?

You can read about it at the link below: