Sunday, December 04, 2005

9-11 Commission members say the gov't deserves "dismal grade" for enacting recommended reforms

I wish I could say that I am surprised by truthfully I am not. We have enacted some of the things, but the problem is that a lot of the things we are doing probably don't make us any safer, they just waste time and money. Much of the added screenings in airports is largely ineffective. In a sense we are patching up the pasture fence after the cows have already escaped, but sense it looks like we are at least doing something then we go ahead and do it.

I personally, and many experts as well, are far more worried about someone unleasing a NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) attack somewhere in the US. Most of our nuclear and chemical plants are very poorly guarded against a terrorist attack. By the time help would arrive in the event of such an attack, it would be over and the damage likely done. Consider the trouble our country had responding to a hurricane that we knew was on the way, how would we respond if someone set off a nuke in a large city and thousands died instantly with thousands more injured? After seeing the devastation of Katrina, I am very concerned on how we would handle such an event. We have spend a ton of money on homeland security and without a doubt there have been some great success stories (and yes I am keeping in mind that by their nature we may not here of many of them) we can and should be doing much better.

Check out the link below to read the story on yahoo via ap, there is a link at the bottom of that page to read the actual report by the group, which is now continuing its work with private funding.;_ylt=AuAfXKPVlUZ08zY5QeNODetvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

Speaking of mindless homophobes........

In case you have not heard about perhaps our nation's biggest disgrace, allow me to enlighten you. No I am not talking about good ol Duke Cunningham, I will get my shots in on him later, but rather the Reverend Fred Phelps. This guy is literally off his fucking rocker. He has organized protests at dozens of funerals for soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why does he do this you ask? Believe it or not, Fred the genius actually believes that the soldiers dying overseas in the war on terror are actually dying because of the homosexuals in America. That is an overly simplified view to be sure, but it is hard to correctly explain something that is just, sorry to be so blunt but there is no other way, incredibly fucking dumb. You would honestly have to be a complete fucking moron to believe this shit. To actually believe that god would kill to avenge homosexuals is just mind boggling. But yet these dumbasses believe it.

Phelps also believes that its because the government did not stop an attempted bombing of Phelps and his church years ago. Too bad the bomb did not hit its mark. I am not shocked by someone like Phelps being a fucking moron, but all of these people that follow him, what they hell are they thinking? Damn, you just have to be fucking stupid to believe this shit don't you?

You can read a news story from channel 9 here:

and you can check out a couple of Phelps and his morons sites too, you will be shocked at some of the utter bullshit they believe in:

and here is an example of one of their press releases about a funeral they are going to protest at:

Sorry for the language here but Phelps is a piece of shit and deserves no better.

The best reason yet why I will keep my account at Wells Fargo

People have asked me why I still have an account with Wells Fargo (there are none in the metro here so I have to mail a check to mom and dad to deposit for me when the need arises), and up till now I have not had a real good explanation on why I still keep that account open. But my search is over, it seems that I could not find a better reason than my dear friend and chief homophobe James Dobson (head of the homophobe group Focus on the Facism, whoops, I mean family) and his group Focus on the Family are boycotting Wells Fargo because they donated money to a gay and lesbian group. You have to admire these so called religious groups that act like they are gods chosen children when they discriminate against others based on their beliefs or sexuality. Exactly what commandment does that violate again James? Yeah, thought so.

So as I have done for quite some time, any time that Focus on the Family or any number of other groups of religious zealots votes to boycott something, I will go out of my way to support whatever they are boycotting.

Here is an article about Ding Dong Dobson and his group of merry dumbasses, if you care to read about it:;_ylt=AnqItLtbDBEwc_EjJ.AWllmyBhIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--