Why do people not wear seat belts?
I don't have a story link for this one, but couldn't pass up talking about this. Just about every day here in KC, I hear a story either locally or regionally about at least one person who died in a car accident that was not wearing a seat belt. For the life of me, I cannot understand why you would drive anywhere without wearing your seat belt. I don't even like to drive across the street to go shopping without wearing a seat belt. All of these people get thrown from their vehicle and die just because they didn't wear their seat belt, seems pretty avoidable to me.
If you think you have a good reason to not wear a seat belt, let me know, I am pretty confident I can poke asteroid sized holes in your lack of reasoning. The only reason I have ever heard is about as dumb of an excuse as I have ever heard "What if I crash and the car catches on fire and my seat belt is stuck, I wouldn't be able to get out". I am sure that has happened on a few occasions, bet probably at a incredibly low rate compared to those that are killed because they did not wear their seat belt.
So wear your damn seat belt and help lower medical and insurance costs for the rest of us.
Or if your so damn dumb as to not wear a seat belt, you probably are just too damn dumb to drive anyway, so just take the bus and spare the rest of us.
If you think you have a good reason to not wear a seat belt, let me know, I am pretty confident I can poke asteroid sized holes in your lack of reasoning. The only reason I have ever heard is about as dumb of an excuse as I have ever heard "What if I crash and the car catches on fire and my seat belt is stuck, I wouldn't be able to get out". I am sure that has happened on a few occasions, bet probably at a incredibly low rate compared to those that are killed because they did not wear their seat belt.
So wear your damn seat belt and help lower medical and insurance costs for the rest of us.
Or if your so damn dumb as to not wear a seat belt, you probably are just too damn dumb to drive anyway, so just take the bus and spare the rest of us.