Saturday, April 23, 2005

Is the Lottery coming to the internet soon

Check out this article on Yahoo from USA today about states considering selling lottery tickets on the internet. I guess that is no great surprise that they are considering such a move, since it would save everyone money.

By internet I am talking the regular internet, that one allegedly invented by Al Gore. Wasn't that one of the dumbest comments you have ever heard a politician make? Sounds more like something you would hear from the king of quotes, good ol Dan "tomatoe" Quayle. Come to think of it though, he might be a better than VP Dick "King of Draft Deferrments" Cheney.

Here is the link to the story:

Operation Whitewash?

In a fitting conclusion that demonstrates the lack of proper accountability in the military in wartime (at least for some of the military), several Army brass were cleared of wrongdoing in the Abu Graib fiasco. While I agree that the whole story was overpublicized, those that harp on that (like some of the talking head talk show hosts -Rush, Sean- you guys that means you!), that is missing the whole point. That was a prime example to show to the citizens of Iraq that such behavior is not tolerated in our military and we whitewashed it away. As I stated earlier in this blog, the idea that just a few privates where the only ones involved is ludicrous. But by only prosecuting those of lower rank it sends a message to the rest of the world that we are not interested in holding our own troops accountable unless they hurt other troops or are low ranking.

We had a good opportunity to prove something to the Iraqi people, and just as importantly to deny the insurgents the great PR that this mess provided and we totally blew it. I am not sure who that many troops can act up in the same area and the commander not being responsible. To use an example from my profession (retail management), if you run a store and half of them are stealing, think the boss won't be held accountable for his store (kind of like a general's command in the army)? Don't bet the farm he or she won't be.

Here is a story on it from The Washington Post via Yahoo:

"Excuse me waiter, there is a finger in my chili"

Just as I suspected, it turns out the lady who claimed she found a finger in her bowl of chili at a Northern California Wendy's apparently planted the finger herself. She was arrested by the PD in her hometown of Las Vegas on Thursday. This lady is a piece of work, she has according to the article linked below, filed 13 civil actions in her lifetime, which is a staggering number. This shows she is apparently is a "serial suer". This is just another example of a lack of ethics by some in the legal profession that they file the suits in this case. She is going to be tried on grand larceny charges, and the chances of Wendy's and their franchisee's in the affected area in California (who have lost sales in a big way) suing her are hovering right around the 100& mark. Thing she will be able to find a lawyer now?

So if you have been avoiding Wendy's because of the finger in the chili thing, never mind, its all because of this dumb bitch. Hopefully she has a nice drab prison wardrobe in her future.

Here is a link to the article from AP via Yahoo:

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Isn't North Korea a bigger threat than Iraq was

Ever wonder why we went after Iraq, who as we now know apparently did not have WMD's and had no real links to terror outside their borders before we attacked. No I don't really consider one man affiliated with Al-Al Qaeda being there to meet with one Iraqi gov't official to be evidence of a terror link between the two groups. In the case of North Korea, they openly admit they will be building them, and we are instead negotiating (or at least talking about negotiating) with them. Granted just attacking them would be pretty risky, with China right next door. But did we make the wrong choice here? Is North Korea not a greater threat at this point? They are now openly admitting that they will build more nukes.

Makes you wonder.

Click the link for the latest on North Korea from USAToday via Yahoo:

DeLay has a hard on for federal judges

In a surprising move, considering the intense pressure that Tom Dumbass, sorry I mean DeLay is under, you would think he would be smart enough to realize that his best move is to just shut the hell up. But hey, remember we ain't exactly talking about a genius here. After all, who would be dumb enough to pay his wife and daughter half a million dollars from his campaign and actually think no one would ever make that an issue.

Now DeLay is on the warpath over federal judges, apparently forgetting that the judicial branch of the government that our founding fathers created does not actually report to either Congress or dumbasses from Texas. Apparently Tom is focusing on the wording that judges serve for a lifetime as long as they serve with good behavior. Just a hint Tom, it does not say behavior so ultra conservative it makes Reagan look like a liberal or that makes China look like a bastion of freedom. Does anyone really think Congress should be able to review what courts rule and decide if judges can stay on the bench based on their rulings (not talking about committing a crime or ethics violations but rather just giving an opinion against what Tom or any other moron thinks- though thinking on DeLay's part is probably a rather limited undertaking).

Here is an article from FoxNews (damn, argument number 2 from the tired old conservative rule book is "Blame it on the liberal media", what do we do now).

In another interesting note, DeLay is all fired up about Justice Anthony Kennedy voting to strike down an anti sodomy law and said Kennedy's decision upheld Marxist and satanic principles or something to that effect. Huh? Tom, does that also apply to having one's head up his own ass? Or does that not count? Hate to break this to you Tommy boy, but sodomy does not just happen between gay people, we are not in colonial times anymore. And how exactly would that relate to Marxism or satanism? Does satan sneak up on people and plug em in the ass to convert em?

At this point I need to apologize to anyone I have ever called a dumbass up until now. I now realize that I have insulted you by basically saying you are as dumb as DeLay is, and lets face it, no one is that dumb. Or PFD as I like to call it.

Check out the story from,2933,154009,00.html

Sunday, April 17, 2005

More breaking news

Now that he is done helping to find the ever illusive weapons of mass distruction in Iraq, OJ will shortly be back on the trail of the real killers of Ron Goldman and OJ's ex wife Nicole. No word on how long the hunt will take.

Note: This is satire or comedy, not real news.

Breaking news

This just in, rumor has it that Dick Cheney may apply for a record sixth draft deferrment. According to the rumor, when told that there was no draft and that he was too old, good ol Dick allegedly said "Sorry, just a habit I guess".

Kind of ironic that a leading hawk, and former sec. def would have not actually been in the military isn't it? In fact he received, if I remember correctly, five draft deferrments, yikes!

Note: This is satire, humor, not actual news.

Military base closure snags

The military has undergone several rounds of base closings, done to rid it of unneeded bases and save money. As this artcile talks about, the plan is not going quite as expected due to environmental issues. Many of these bases where fairly polluted, some even have ordanance to be disposed of, and since the bases were not under EPA guidelines they didn't worry about cleanup until they have to. The article talks about how this cleanup process is much slower and much more expensive than the Pentagon initially planned on.

Yeah, cost overruns and poor planning by the Pentagon, that has not happened since what? A month ago?

A new round of base closings is about to gear up, so get ready for some good old fashioned politicking (another word for a freight train of bs).

Here is the link:

Why did Congress take so long to look at identity theft

Anyone fool can see why Congress would start looking at legislation about identify theft and the use, misuse and theft of information from information companies such as Choicepoint. To me the bigger question is why are they waiting until now, after several high profile cases of information theft, to act on it. Its not like identity theft just started this year, I just heard something earlier today that said there would be almost 10 million cases of identity theft this year alone. It can't be prevented altogether, but something needs to be done. These infromation thefts are getting to be a regular thing. It would behoove the companies in this industry to act awfully quickly to get their act together before Congress tries to do it for them (and they don't always do a good job in the process).

Here is the story:

More fleecing of the taxpayer

More good news for Halliburton, the company that Dick Cheney used to run. It seems the Pentagon is disputing over $100 million of charges from Halliburton from the war in Iraq. Not exactly a surprise there, Halliburton does not have too good of a rep to begin with, you would think they would be on the up and up considering Cheney used to be the CEO and when they look bad so does he (not like good ol Dick needs the help). You would think Cheney would call them and tell them to get it together and stop embarassing him, but not the case apparently.

Here is the story:

GOP miffed about

Not that this is new, but the Republicans are miffed about raising money for Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia and plan to make it an issue in the next election. The GOP is saying that since the groups values don't reflect those of the people there, that Byrd should return the money. I love to hear the parties go back and forth on something like this, they are both such damn hipocrits that its amazing. And along with that, most congressman should return their contributions from credit card companies becuase most americans don't necessarily agree with the bankruptcy reform.

That is pretty rich. From either side. I am not a fan of Byrd, he is one of the biggest consumers of budget pork in the U.S. Might be an interesting race to watch in 06, probably lots of money thrown around in that race.

Here is a story about it:

Did the government fail sex ed

Ah, nothing like a good controversy involving the government, this time with the website that is supposed to give good advice to parents. This particular controversy involves sex education info on the website (the site is at the link below, along with the article from cbsnews). Apparently the gov't is mixing in some moral and religious messages with facts, probably not what should be happening from the goverment. The site has been critcized for focusing mainly on abstinence and morals. Not that those things are not important but those should come from church and your own values, not big brother. I am not saying abstinence is bad, it is 100% effective when used, but the problem is that it only works when used, and when dealing with teenagers and the pressure they are under, it does not work that often. Nothing wrong with talking about abstinence, but birth control should be right there with it, explain truthfully the pro's and con's of each.

I am disappointed that a tool for learning has been used more as a religious and moral platform, probably not the rigth tact for being effective in this case. Try as you might, you are going to have a tough time getting teenagers to not have sex. Is it better to bury your head in the sand and pretend they won't do it as long as you don't teach it to them, or to educate them so that they can make the best decision (keeping in mind they ultimately will be the one to make the decision, with or without you making sure they have all the facts).

Here is the story:

and the site in question:

Website of the week

Sorry I have not had one in awhile, but here is one that everyone who owns a vehicle should check out, its the goverments crash test site for cars. Not only can you look up the crash test results for your vehicle, but you can in many cases see the actual video of the test as well.

Its really pretty cool. I was happy that my Scion came out with 5 stars frontal and 4 side impact and that 4 is without the side airbags, so I am confident when they do the test with the side airbags it will get 5 stars.

Here is the link, check it out.

This will make you sick

This story is hard to believe. A deveopmentally disabled girl is raped and assaulted by several boys at school, including one who videotaped it, and the authorities at the school first delay calling the girl's father. Then when he finds out (after a teacher called him herself) the school asks him not to call 911 for fear it would generate negative news coverage. The school also failed to call the police either. And according to the story at the link below, when the school principal was interrupted during a meeting to be told about the incident, she never even left the meeting. What the hell is that about? How did this lady get to be principal, off a cracker jack box?

But wait it gets better (or worse in this case). An assistant prinicpal watches the tape and says there is no evidence of coercion. Dude, we are talking a disalbled 15 year old, are you an idiot? The principal is toast for sure, the other moron should be as well. They may face criminal charges as well.

But the best is yet to come. That is the part when the parents of the boys involved give the standard line "Oh, my son would never do something like that, he is a good boy" They should charge all the boys as adults so they can be labeled as sex offenders for life.

Here is the link:

So we've paid billions for an airport security increase of

You have to hand it to the goverment. In one of the crowning achievements of the Bush administration, the overhaul of airport security (including spending millions or actually billions) has apparently made the airport screening process absolutely no safer according to a report from the GAO.

The report shows that apparently airport security screeners are no better catching prohibited items like weapons than they were before 9-11. That is kind of scary considering the process takes much longer and we have spent a crapload of money on it. And apparently its not just the people, its also the equipment as well.

You can read about it here:

Wonder why Congress hasn't acted on this

If you have kids you will want to read this story from the Washington Post via Yahoo, concerning childhood vaccinations. Apparently several manufacturers of the shots are unwilling to supply the shots to the gov't because of a dispute over some accounting practices. From what I got in a quick glance at the story, accounting rules don't allow the shots to be considered sold until they are delivered, so if they sit in a warehouse unused but promised to the gov't, they are considered still part of that company's inventory. These shots are delivered to the Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile but not counted until actually supplied to a doctor who then gives the shot.

So this stockpile only has a third of the vaccine on hand that it would like to have. Before you ask how the gov't let this happen, lets remember that Congress has been overwhelmed with much more important issues that affect the whole country in a much more major way than something affecting the health of your children.

If you are confused by that statements, here is a quick rundown of the ultra important national issues that Congress has been dealing with:
1.) The Terry Schiavo thing- how can you argue with that, one person is more important than the country, didn't we learn that in grade school? You know, put the needs of one in front of the needs of many? Oh, sorry guess I had the backwards.
2.) Steroids in baseball- Shit, that should been first. You have to admire the restraint of Congress to wait that long to deal with such a pressing national issue that they alone could solve.
3.) Bankruptcy reform- damn, maybe that should have been number one. After all, most of the credit card companies are financially in ruins becuase the laws in that field are so strict. All that they have been allowed to be more flexible with the past few years is ignore individual states usury laws (hello good ol south dakota and delaware), raise rates to almost 30% if you are even one day late on any payment to anyone. That does seem far to me. If you are a day late paying your mortgage, why shouldn't chase be entitled to raise your rate from 15% to 25%. After all, you could be a day late to them some day, and think what would happen then. If all of their cardholders did that, it would combined almost be as much money as the Starbucks latte their CEO gets every morning. National tragedy averted, thank god! It's a miracle!

So as you can see, they have had more important things to do.

Check out the article, the best part is a quote from a pediatrician who says if it was up to him, he would lock all the parties in a room until its fixed.

Here is the link:

We are all saved, the bankruptcy bill passed!

Oh my god, the day seems brighter already! The long sought bankruptcy reform bill has passed both the House and Senate and is ready for President Bush to sign. I agree some reform was probably due, although this was not so much a reform as it was the credit card and consumer finance companies calling the bill due for all of their contributions to Congressional campaigns over the years. Those companies have spent a staggering amount of money over the past decade or so trying to get those passed. I don't have a problem making it harder in some ways for people to just walk away from debt, especially non medical related, but from what I have read it goes much farther than that. When you have almost 100 bankruptcy law professors speak against it, that should tell you something. Those are the people that know the most about the law. Here is my biggest gripe: While they made it tougher on lower and middle income people, they did absolutely nothing to make it harder on the wealthy (no really, are you saying that they did nothing to penalize their biggest contributors, is that really possible???) So a milloinaire can keep his fourth house in Key West but a middle class person may not be able to afford an apartment if they are paying more than what is considered normal in that area. Yeah, doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

So here is my challenge to the financial industrly. You got your gift, you got what you paid for actually in the votes you bought. Now that this has passed, if what you have lobbied for is true, then credit card rates should drop probably 3 to 4% in the next year. Before you make excuses, remember that you already charge exhorbitant rates for not only those that are late to you, but in fact late to anyone at all even one time by even just one day late, so those people that may still file bankruptcy should be covered by that. So when will we see rates fall?

The answer?

You won't, this whole thing is a thinly disguised cash grab for the credit card and finance companies. Watch their numbers about a year or 18 months from now, they will probably have record profits. I also wouldn't be surprised if they become more strict with offering lower rates through credit counselors since it will be harder for those in trouble to threaten bankruptcy where the card issuer would have been faced with losing all of their money. Those people can't just walk away. What you will not see if more responsible lending by these companies. They can now afford more than ever to be aggessive, what do they have to lose? Need proof? An amendment requiring lenders to disclose how long it would take to pay off their balance with just minimum payments was defeated. Good thing I guess, I can see how that would be bad, people might be inclined to charge less or pay it off sooner. Yeah, I can see how such a thing would cripple the economy. What the hell?

Here is an article from the Washington Post via Yahoo about the bankruptcy bill:

This looks a little fishy, but its politics as usual

Here is another political story concerning an investigation into the promtion of the No Child Left Behind Program. Apparently an Inspector General looking into this was denied the opportunity to interview some White House personnel concerning almost a quarter of a million dollars paid to TV and News guy Armstrong Williams. The reason given was that it was basically not allowed by law or the tradition of the law or some crap like that. Sounds like they probably have something to hide there..........

Here is a story about it:

The nuclear option lunacy

One of the biggest political issues of the next few weeks (or even months) is some key Republicans considering invoking the so called nuclear option to eliminate using filibusters on Presidential appointees. Its not the potential ban that pisses me off, after all it does seem silly that Senators can waste time, even reading the phone book (its been done before) to put off taking action on something. What really pisses me off is that the same Republicans who are pushing this did the same thing to some of Clinton's nominees when he was president. So how exactly was it okay then but not now?

Here is my take. You were man enough to use it then GOP, so quit crying and whining and just shut the hell up. If you thought it was okay then, and you obviously did, then what makes it not okay now other than the fact that its being used against use? I don't agree with using it either, it holds up the government, but if you used it then you are damn hypocrits for being suddenly against it now. Not even Tubby ( I am going to refer to him as windbag from now on) taking his marching orders and trying to spin it for his lapdog audience is going to make that sound good.

I think the crucial thing to remember is that if Dems are in power again, which probably will happen again at some point (although they seem to be doing everything within their own power to prevent that). Also, the fillibuster is part of the Senate tradition, and its part of the system of checks and balances that are needed in government today. Sen McCain of Arizons is against it, no real surprise there since he is one of the few in gov't today that are not party lapdogs and speak their own mind.

You can read an article on it here:

Dude, something stinks, must be the deal I just cut

Check this out, in a purely coincidental move, embattled former AIG chief Hank Greenberg gave his wife $2 billion in shares of his company just days before the company's board pressured him to resign. Now don't read too much into that, we know that a CEO of a major company would not commit a crime or even appear to do so, so this is probably something he had planned for years.

In a related story, check on Ebay for listings on the Brooklyn Bridge, its apparently now for sale.

Damn, what is that smell? Oh, its Greenberg's story! Hey Hank, a cell soon awaits you. Maybe he should be sentenced to fight in Iraq instead.

The good news is that if he has to declare bankruptycy, his yacths and third, fourth and fifth houses will be protected still!

Something tells me that Warren Buffett, widely admired for being not only incredibly successful but also very ethical, is pissed that one of his companies ever even did business with AIG.

Here is the story:

How long before the credit card co's go after this one

A federal court recently ruled that IRA's are to be protected for those filing bankruptcy. The move makes sense, but it makes me wonder how long before the credit card and finance industries throw some more money and Congress to try and get around this one. They have not tried to do so yet, but I would be very surprised if they don't try here in the next few months. Most credit card companies are hurting, after all, they can borrow money at or near prime, currently 5.75% and they charge (including penalty rates) as high as about 30%, a spread of only a max of about 24%. How can those poor bastards live on that?

Here is the article from AP via Yahoo:

Dean says Dems must lure back voters

You might want to check out a recent article in USA Today (the link is via Yahoo) where the head of the Democratic Party says that the dems need to lure back voters that may have abondoned them over values. One thing prominently mentioned is the controversial partial birth abortions. I understand that many Dems are pro-life, although I think that wing of the party has too much power for their own good, something I think they would support anyone as long as they are pro choice or pro abortion, whichever you prefer. But I have always been baffled over there resistance to outlawing partial birth abortion. It is a particularly gruesome procedure, and absolutely polarizes the oppostion to abortion and it is rarely performed so why waste time fighting it? I suppose they support the same theory as the NRA, the whole slippery slope argument thats use by the NRA has similarly defied logic at times (think teflon coated bullets- in case you get attacked by a deer in a kevlar vest, that will probably occur during the same year that they find WMD's in Iraq and that OJ finds the real killers so stay close to your TV for that to happen soon!)

I personally think they have made the mistake of just attacking President Bush's plans and the key Republicans plans rather than offering an improvement. One good example is Nancy Pelosi basically telling dems, if I recall correctly, that they basically should not offer a social security plan but instead just attack the presidents plan. Not too smart for the party in second place.

Here is the link:

More on DeLay

More on dumbass, whoops, I mean DeLay. This article from MSNBC is even better, it talks about how DeLay says democrats are attacking him just to be partisan. Hey Tom, newsflash buddy, they just might be attacking you because you are not only a freaking moron, but you make some Chicago politicians looks almost honest (Rostenkowski not included there).

Check it out, just make sure to have boots on because my boy Tommy is about as honest as another well known Texan. Who? Good ol, Kenny Lay! From Enron if that does not ring a bell.

Is Tom DeLay's career headed the way of the Titanic?

Who would have thunk it, corruption and scandal in Texas politics, say it ain't so! Tom DeLay looks to be in serious trouble, even after the infamous attempt ethics rule rewrite by his moronic friends in the house. More on that some other time. Among other things DeLay is under fire for, if I remember correctly, paying his wife and daughter half a million dollars from his campaign. He claims that is okay, and he is not the first to do this, but maybe with anywhere near that amount of money. Sounds pretty sleazy to me. Yes, this is the same Tom DeLay that has been slapped, for lack of a better word, by the House Ethics Committee in the past year.

Check out the article below from the LATimes via Yahoo for more info. The best part of the article is a quote from a DeLay spokesman who says basically that the dems are attacking him because he has been so successful. Yeah, and now back to reality. Isn't it ironic that Clinton got investigated for a land deal that took place well before he became president, and for getting a hummer in the white house from an intern (not saying those are okay either, just chill) but a leading Republican in the House who has 1.) Improprely tried to bully the FAA to reveal where some Democrat Texas lawmakers had flown to in Oklahoma so they would have to vote on the controversial and possilby illegal redistricting plan he spearheaded in Texas, 2.) Paid his wife and daughter half a million dollars for, well we are not sure exactly what they did there but I guess it must have been good and 3.) Taken several trips that apparently were sponsored by people who are supposedly not allowed to sponsor such trips by a lawmaker. Its bad enough that he is even being critcized by some in his own party to explain his actions (I think they are looking for more than Hey I am from Texas, what do you expect?) or even Hey, I am a dumbass, what did you expect?

If you want to hear the version with a little spin and a lot of BS, make sure to tune in to tubby for more info. You realize of course, that I would be just as critical if this was a democrat (who have had there share of scandals as well- Hello Rosty!) but the really scary part is that people like Limbaugh are probably going to defend him or downplay this (insert the very tired Liberal Media line here, refer to page 42 of the GOP playbook under tired and worn out sayings for more info on that).

Here is the link:

Sorry, been busy for awhile

For those of you that check regularly, you have probably noticed that I have not posted anything new in awhile. I have been kind of busy lately with work, stuff for my new car, etc. but should be back on track posting regularly for now. So stay tuned, and for heaven's sake, post some comments- that is the whole point.